Somerset County Herald and Taunton Courier from Taunton, Somerset, England (2024)

SOMERSET COUNTY HERALD, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1944. 5 WELLINGTON NURSING INSTITUTE FETE The takings at the recent fete in aid of the Victoria Nursing Institute amounted to 2194 105 4d. DIED OF WOUNDS Mrs. S. Hines.

22. Buckwell. has received official intimation of the death of her husband Pte. S. F.

Hines. from wounds received 1 in the Aegean operations. He was previously reported 35 being missing ARMY COMMISSION Mr. Arthur Anthony Moon, son Mr and Mrs. V.

Moon, formerly of 19. Fore-street Geo. Oliver's). has been granted a commission as 2nd lieutenant in the Gloucester Regiment. BRIDGE DRIVE On Thursdav.

May 25th. a bridge drive was held at the Vicarage Room in aid of the Waifs and Stravs Society. The winners were Mrs. Palmer 1st: Mrs Douglas. 2nd: and Miss Jarvis.

3rd. A competition for a cake made by Mrs. Stevens. Of Ford-street. made £6 2s.

Mrs J. N. Campbell was the winner. The total takings were £12 11s. Mrs.

Teare Saints' Church, Rockwell Green, 011 Saturday. of Corpl. George Thomas Hocking. R.A.F only son of Mr. and Mrs S.

C. Hocking. Rockwell Green and Miss Elizabeth Parry. Mrs second Parry Neyland. Pembrokeshire.

daughter of Mr. and the late The Rev. A. P. Allan (vicar) officiated.

and Mr A J. Exton Was at the organ. Given away by Mr C. Mills. of Taunton, uncle of the bridegroom.

the bride wore a dress of powder blue. with coatee to match. and wine accesDories. She wore a spray of deep pink roses with maidenhair fern, and carried an ivory-bound Prayer Book. She was attended by Miss Brenda V.

Hocking. only sister of the bridegroom and Mr Hitchco*ck, Rockwell Green. a friend of the family. Was best man Following reception, at the home of the bridegroom. newly-married couple left for their honeymoon at I.

racombe. Many presents were received gave away the prizes. ROCKWELL GREEN MARRIAGE The marriage took place at All WIVELISCOMBE WOUNDED IN ITALY A message was received from the War Office onl Monday that B.S.M. Leslie Land. who has been In Italy 1or some time and in the thick of the recent fighting.

had been wounded presiding at the meeting of the Parochial Committee oll Tuesday evening, welcomed Mr. Hawkins as a member. The Sanitary Surveyor drew tion to the pumping required the town supply and enquired it the Committee thought economy notices desirable. Mr. Greedy commended the idea.

and it Was resolved to issue notices. Attention was called by the Sanitary Inspector to the untidy state of the refuse dump attributable to local people searching for articles. It was decided to erect warning notices. Mr. Cook drew attention to dangerous walls at the end of Northstreet.

and the Sanitary Inspector the owner WAS getting it attended to UNTIDY REFUSE DUMP Mr. F. D. Thomas (vice-chairman) "SALUTE" WEEK FIXTURES iscombe "Salute the Soldier Week, with 2 target ol £25.000. begins to-day.

Features of previous efforts are forthcoming this time. Nevertheless. a most interesting list of events has been arranged. The programme includes a social, mock auction, whist and bridge drives old-fashioned dance. A grand march through the town of all the Services has had to be abandoned.

Instead. on the Thursday, a Wiveliscombe Day." which older people will remember as 31 regular feature years ago, will be held. This will consist of sports. a novelty cricket match. and a dance at the Cider Factory.

Other special items ar3 a concert party from Weston and a baby show. a arranged by the Women's Institute The week will conclude with a united service at the Parish Church. The salute will be taken by all unknown soldier. All profits during the week are to be handed to the British Legion and the Soldiers'. Sailors' and Airmen's Families' Association.

'The indica-1 tor will be changed each dav at noon. starting on Tuesday. children will design posters. construct models and write essays. WEST BUCKLAND COTTAGES GUTTED BY FIRE Two thatched cottages belonging to Ash Farm.

West Buckland. were gutted by tire shortly before midday on Saturday of last week. The outbreak, which was discovered by a nine-years-old boy. Gerald Brown. started in the house occupied by Mr.

W. Russell. and efforts to overcome it were made by Mrs. Russell. Mrs.

Brown. and others. The N.F.S. from Taunton and Wellington dealt with the fire The cottages were the property 01 the Nynehead Estate, SAMPFORD ARUNDEL W.I. DANCE Organised by the W.I..

a dance was held in the Parish-room on Empiredas in aid of the Somerset Federation lot W.I The proceeds amounted to £17. Prizes given by Mrs. Mudge Mrs. Hellings. Mrs.

Williams. and Mi A. Stone. Refreshments. given by W.

T. members. were served by Mrs. Brav and helpers. BURLESCOMBE ARMY VETERAN DEATH AND FUNERAL OF MR.

G. H. GOLDSMITH. The death took place suddenly on June 4th of Mr. George Henry Goldsmith, who had been living Arms Hotel.

Burlescombe. He was 87. He served daughter at the Aysford in the Royal Engineers for 25 years, retiring during the last war with the He rank of quartermaster-sergeant. held the Egyptian Medal and Star. the Zulu Medal for 1887, and the Meritorious Service Medal.

He was a member of a Portsmouth Lodge of Freemasons. The funeral took place at the Parish Church on Tuesday, the Vicar (the Rev. F. Sturges) officiating. with Mrs.

F. Sprague at the organ. The mourners were Mrs. Found and Mrs. Stevens Mr.

W. Stevens (son-in-law). Messrs. Pavey. Darke, Harris, C.

and W. Tame. F. Salter. Miss Sprague, and Mr.

Denis Trevelvan. Bearers were the following members of the Home Guard: Sgt. M. Webber. Sgt.

A. Stamp. Sgt. Condick. Cpl.

T. Moon, Cpl. T. Clode. and Cpl.

P. Harper. Mr. Goldsmith's only son was killed in the last war. and his grandson was killed on Air Force duties during this war.

OTTERHAMPTON SUCCESS OF FETE £220 FoR VILLAGE HALL FUND The lete held on -Monday (reported 111 our last issue). proved highly successful. with the result that the Village Hal! Fund has been increased by £220 55 6d. Thanks are due to Mr. K.

Haybittel for his untiring efforts, not only in reorganising the fund, but in putting so much at the Committee's disposal for the fete, and also to Mrs. Haybittel and her staff in catering for the 500 visitors. The following also rendered valuable help -Mrs. R. Hunt.

J. Cross, Mrs. W. King. Mrs.

Reading. Mrs. Jeanes. Mrs. Skrine, Mr.

E. Somers, Mr. Stan Kibby, and Mr. Cross DUNWEAR LATE MRS. E.

COTTRELL The funeral of Mrs. Emily Cottrell. of 2. New Buildings, Dunwear. who died on Mav 30th.

at the age of 77. took place at the Bristol-road Cemetery oIL Saturday. the Rev. M. Taylor officiating.

The mourners were -Mrs. E. Hodge and Mr F. Cottrell (daughter and son), Mr. W.

Cottrell and Mrs. Baker (son and Mr. Hodge and Mrs. F. Cottrell (son-in-law and daughter-in-law).

Mr. and Mrs. C. Woods (brother and sister). Mrs.

W. Cottrell (daughter-in-law). Mrs. Setter. Olwen.

Leslie, and Fred arrangements were by Messrs. J. E. Gilbert Son. St.

John-street. Bridgwater. MOORLAND LATE MR. B. LOVELL There were many sympathisers at the funeral o11 Saturday of Mr.

Benjamin Lovell. The mourners were -Mr. and Mrs. W. Boobyer.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Hubbard (brothersin-law and sisters): Mrs. Champion.

Mr. E. Boobyer. Mr and Mrs. B.

Lovell. Mr. H. Lovell, Mrs. C.

Hodge Mr. and Mrs. W. Lovell. Mr.

Champion, Miss Lovell. Miss A. Gamblin. Mr. J.

Yarde (nephews and nieces). Mrs E. Cottey, Mr. T. Cottey.

Mr. and Mrs L. Slocombe. Mr. Jacobs.

Mr W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C.

Kitch. Mr and Mrs. W. Brooks. Mr.

Heal. Mr. A. Langford Mr. Hall.

Mr E. Fear. Mrs. H. Brooks, Mrs.

R. Wollen (friends). BRIDGWATER Will readers please note that our Bridgwater representative, Mr. W. H.

E. Pippard, of 10, Fernleigh-avenue, ton-road is on the telephone (Bridgwater 2908). WOMAN'S ALLEGED THEFT Eva Fiorence Gillingham (41). housekeeper. of 7.

Binford-place. was charged before the Mayor Mr. H. Scholfield. at the Court House on Tuesday with stealing 100 yards of curtain material, valued £36 7s 7d.

the property of John James McKenna. of the same address. Evidence of arrest was given by Det.Con. Hardon, and accused was remanded on bail until Monday next. DESERTED BY WIFE Mr.

Justice Denning. in the Divorce Court on Tuesday, granted a decree nisi to Mr. Louis Martin Oliver, living at Taunton-road. Bridgwater, oll the ground that his wife, Mrs. Elspeth Grace Oliver.

had deserted him. The case WaS not contested. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver were married in 1937 at London.

and last lived at Odinam. Hampshire. The case for Mr. Oliver was that in 1940. when he was stationed at Chester.

in the Red Cross. his wife wrote about a cousin who had come from Rhodesia In November. 1940. she went to Scotland for her health's sake, and since then she had never made her home with petitioner INDECENT ACT ALLEGED case. Described summons as for most act of unsavoury LOCAL LABOURER FOR TRIAL.

an gross indecency was heard at the Borough Court on Monday, against William John Theaker, labourer, of 109. Kendale-road. The magistrates were the Mayor (Mr. H. Scholfield), Mr.

S. Berry and Mr. F. W. H.

Turner. Mr. J. H. Barrington appeared for the prosecution and accused was defended by Mr.

F. W. Willmott. of Taunton. After a lengthy hearing Theaker was committed for trial at Somerset Quarter Sessions at Taunton.

A cross summons in which he alleged that he was assaulted and beaten by Robert William Patterson, soldier. was dismissed. LABOURER'S VULGAR LANGUAGE The excuse that children had been running over his garden was made by Bertram John Biddiscombe, labourer. 7. Williams-buildings.

Dry Dock, who pleaded guilty at the Borough Court on Monday to a summons for committing a public annovance on May 20th. Evidence by Cecil French. lorry driver. 1, Williams-buildngs. was that he was reading in bed at, 10.30 p.m..

when Biddiscombe, who lived fifty yards away, started using very vulgar language. Witness shouted to him and he stopped for a minute or two Then he shouted out again and wanted witness to come down. Witness told him he would see him in the morning. Defendant, who said it would not happen again. was fined £2.

with 344 costs, and was allowed a month in which to pas WIFE MAINTENANCE CASES Application the variation of for a maintenance order of £2 5s for the support of his wife. Doris May Hobbs, 86, St John-street. and child, was made by Wallace George Hobbs, lorry driver. of Taunton-road, at the Borough Court on Monday. Hobbs said he was not doing any work at the moment but was likely to start at any time.

He had no money and had been selling his furniture in order 10 live. He made an off of 30s per week. The Bench reduced the order to 30s di weel: for the wife and 10s for the child, with 5g 6d costs. Mr. J.

H. Barrington appeared tor Mrs. Hobbs. In the case in which James Gilbert Hobbs. St.

Mellons. Cardiff. was summoned for failing to maintain his wite Doris Marjorie Hobbs. 31, Wyndham-avenue, Bridgwater. Mr.

F. G. Pearson, for the wife. announced that a settlement had been reached. defendant having offered 305 made week.

The Bench accordingly maintenance order 30s a week, Mr. Neville Reed was for defendant. NORTH PETHERTON OF SPECIAL CONSTABLE by his Considerable many friends regret when was it expressed known on Sunday of last week that Mr. Albert Smith, of Huntworth. had passed away at Bridgwater Hospital.

He was employed as shepherd at Fordgate by Mr. Ludlow for 30 years. and for the past two years had filled a similar post al Huntworth Farm. Mr. Smith was a Special Constable.

and 24 members of the Special ConIstabulary and Regular Police attended the funeral, conducted by the Rev. P. T. Pryce Michell. at the Cemetery on Thursday last.

The family mourners were Mrs. Smith. wife: Mr. Smith. Mr.

C. Smith, sons: Mrs. E. Wyatt, Mrs. G.

Bond Mrs. J. Brass, Miss E. Smith. Miss M.

Sinith. Miss Smith, Miss Mavis Smith, daughters, Mrs. P. Llewellyn, Mrs. W.

Ingram. sisters: Mr. F. Smith. brother: Mrs.

K. Smith. daughter-in-law: Mr. E. Wyatt.

Mr. G. Bond, sons-in-law: Mr. P. Llewellyn.

brother-in-law: Mr. Hartnell, uncle: Mr. and Mrs. M. Dudderidge.

brother-in-law and sister-in-law: Mr. R. Collard and Mr. S. Thresher, brothers-in-law: Mrs.

H. Vickerv. Mrs. H. Thorne.

sisters-inlaw: Mrs. Pryce Michell. Mr. J. man.

and Mr. W. E. Ludlow. There were many beautiful floral tributes.

PAWLETT THE SISTERHOOD The June meeting of the Pawlett Sisterhood took place in the Methodist Schoolroom on Thursday afternoon. June 1st. Mrs. Kingston. of Bridgwater.

Was the speaker. Mrs. J. Bastin presided. and Mrs.

W. Haggett was the organist. COMFORTS FOR FORCES A very successful event Was an American tea, organised by the Committee of the Loyal Women's Working Party, in the Parish Hall on Saturday afternoon. There were wellstocked and attractive stalls and various side-shows. The door steward Was Miss Groves, and the stallholders were: Mesdames H.

W. Bastin and E. Rogers, fancy: Mesdames R. Dobson, A. J.

Green, and J. Westcoit. flowers and vegetables: Mesdames L. Hanbery and W. Huxtable.

provisions: Mesdames McLintock, Smith and L. Vincent, children's stall: Mesdames F. Bastin. M. Farthing.

S. R. Jennings. A. J.

Lowndes. L. bins, and the Misses A. Carter and E. White.

refreshments. The sum of £34 5s id WaS raised for comforts for the Forces. ENMORE OVERSEAS TOBACCO FUND Fearnley Davies, a pupil at the local School, has collected £1 1s for the Overseas' League Tobacco Fund, and this sum has been sent to the Secretary. St. James's.

London, S.W.1. CANNINGTON POSSESSION OF FARM COTTAGE Application Was made to Bridgwater magistrates on Friday Mr. F. Willmott, on behalf of Wm. John King.

of Bishop's Lydeard, for possession of Putnell Cottage. Can. ningion. in the occupation of Wm Withers, for whom Mr. Serymgeour appeared.

-Mr. Willinott said Withers was allowed to occupy the cottage on a tenancy to cO terminate with his employment. It November last, following a dispute about his working hours, Withers left. and was told his cottage would be required for a man, named Harding a carter, who had a wife and two -Evidence was given by Sidney John Hill. bailiff at Cannington Park Farm, and Obed.

stated he had two living with him, and his wife in ill order was made for possession within 30 days CURRY MALLET £28 FROM JUMBLE SALE £28 was raised by a jumble sale the W.I Room on Friday. in aid of the Forces Comforts Fund. The sale, which was opened by the Rev. I. C.

Tritton. waS organised by Miss A. P. Musgrove. Helpers at the stalls were members of the Mallet and Beercrocombe Working Party -New stall.

Miss Vile and Miss Wescombe: china, Mrs. FOx: produce, Miss Wilmington and Mrs. Newis: books and dips, Mrs A. Blackmore: jumble. Mrs.

Sheppard. Mrs. A. Burt. Mrs W.

Keates. Mico. Miss Vicary, and Miss Keates: teas. Mrs. Hardwill Mrs.

Meare, Mrs. H. Paul. Mrs Foulkes. and Miss Wright: tea tickets.

Mrs. J. Burt: competition stall, Mrs. Palmer. Winners of the competiItions were: -Teapot.

Mrs. Cleall: rabbit. Mrs. Bailey: iced cake. Mrs.

Osborne: fruit cake, Miss Vile: chocolate cake. Mrs. W. Keates: cushion, run by Miss Valerie Tavlor. won by' Miss Vile: basket of groceries run by Miss Vicary, Mrs.

Burt. The cakes given back were sold by auction. Thanks are due to all who gave donations and helped to make the effort a success. BURTLE The LATE death MR. occurred CLIFFORD on MOXEY.

FASHIONABLE COATS To wear over Dresses or a Blouse and Skirt. We have Good Selections of these very useful garments in all Colours Clements: TAUNTON brown LTO PHILIPPS Fabrics Prints in Profusion Artistic Ranges Cotton Rayon Fibro for Blouses, Frocks, and Lingerie ALSO Plain Satin Back (MarocainiWESTON 36 inches wide at per yard IN SHADES OF WATERLILY BLUE, RIS COFFEE CHINA JADE CON LONDON TAN MAUVE LILAC LACQUER and BLACK SEE WINDOWS D. PHILIPPS AND COMPANY. LIMITED DRESSMEN SINCE 1816 BRIDGWATER Fayes Co. Jewellers Silversmiths Invite YOu to Inspect their Choice Collection of ANTIQUE SILVER and JEWELLERY.

3, The Bridge, Taunton. Telephone 3996. Typewriters Urgently WANTED FOR ESSENTIAL WAR WORK GOOD PRICES GIVEN Particulars 10 Dobell, Shearman Co. 51, HIGH STREET, TAUNTON EXECUTORS TRUSTEES For more than a third of a century Martins Bank has acted as Executor and Trustee. During that time the public have realised the advantages of employing a Corporate Trustee, especially in the disturbed conditions of to-day, and have increasingly availed themselves of the Bank's services, These services include Security Efficiency Economy Continuity of Management.

MARTINS BANK LIMITED Che Douse of music GRAMOPHONE RECORDS EDUCATIONAL and MODERN MUSIC MANUSCRIPT BOOKS and PAPER STRINGS ACCESSORIES REPAIRS We have a Good Selection of PRAYER and HYMN BOOKS Trickeus JOHN SUCCESSORS TO TRICKEY E. MINNS. MIDDLE STREET, TAUNTON. Telephone: 2549 Backache may be a sign of Sluggish Kidney Action your kidneys, especially after la cold chill. Their task of purifying the blood is always heavy and any strain may cause the body's filters to become sluggish or congested.

When this occurs, harmful impurities are able to remain in the system and cause Backache, Inflamed Muscles and Joints, Rheumatic Pains, Lumbago, Urinary and Bladder Trouble, Gravel or Disturbed Nights. Take Doan's Backache Kidney Pills. This modern medicine will stimulate sluggish kidneys to flush out excess uric acid and other poisons. The early use of Doan's Pills may save you weeks of neediess discomfort. your Doan's Chemist for ( WESTON ZOYLAND MR.

PERCY WINSLADE FELLOW HOME GUARDS AS BEARERS. Fellow members of the Home Guard were the bearers at the funeral on Thursday 01 Mr. Percy Harold Winslade, 21. one of the 11C- tims ol the drowning tragedy. 'The first portion of the service Was held in St.

Mary's Church. The Rev. Gi. M. Evans (vicar) officiated.

and Miss Phyllis Chinn was at the organ. 'The immediate mourners Were Mr and Mrs father Phyllis and Nora (sisters): Jim and Cyril (brothers): Mr. and Mrs. C. Winslade.

Others. Mr and Mrs. R. Heard. Mr.

and Mrs. Vines Blackpool: Mr. and Hubert Watts. Huntspill. Mrs.

Kidand Miss Gertie Winslade. Mr. Bert Lock and Mr. Rov Lock. Mr.

I. Evans tuneles and Mr. Eddie and Miss Kidner. Miss Dora and Mr. 'Ted Watts.

Huntspill. Messrs. Bert and Alf. Bawdon. Mr.

Horace and Miss Puth Lockyer. Andersea. Will and Miss Lockver, MiddleMrs. A Millard and Miss Merriot. Middlezov.

Mr. Sid and Miss Phyllis Chinn. Mr. Bert Chinn. Miss Sally Lock.

Miss Flo Evan-. Mr Bert MI-5 Ver Winslide sister who 1s serving with H.M. Forces, was unable to attend. SPAXTON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE A mecting W.IS held in the Village Hall Frida It Deinu members' the chair was liken by MIs. Dimond, with Airs Attwater as secreMr.

A. Wevell of Bridewater. with humour and recitalions ill Somerset ale Devon dialects. He was thanked by Miss Refreshment: were served by Mrs. H.

Harris and helpers. Several members part In amusing charades. FOR THE RED CROSS The sausfactory sum of at least £20 will be handed to the Red Cross and St. John Fund as a result of a dance held on -Monday in the Village Hall The M.C. Was Mr.

Webber and musIC WatS supplied by the Jives Dance Band. on Thursday there Was a whist drive. 'The prizes, which were all 9. ven. were by Miss Goodall 85 follows Ladies- 1.

A's Knight: 2. Mrs. Higgins: 3. Miss Phillips: 4. Miss Goodall.

Gentlemen 1. Mr. Higgins: 2. Mrs. Roughtley (playing as gent.

3. Mr Mildon: 4. Mrs. Graham (playing :5 vent. Special prizes were won by Mr.

Roughtley and Mrs. Date. Mr. Ruden was M.C Thanks were expressed by Miss Goodall to the Entertainment Committee for organi-ing the events and to all who helped to make the ettort a success. OVER STOWEY REPORTED MISSING Mr.

and MIs W. Grand have been notitied that their eldest son. Private Henry Weymouth Grandneld Was reported missing on April 27th In India. He enlisted four vears ago. and had served in India for two vears.

If it's DEPRESSION look to your NERVES What people should realize is that with De- NEVER NEGLECT pression, the disordered nervous system is YOUR NERVES. craving for nourishment and revitalization, and WATCH FOR not for drugs which depress us still further as THESE SIGNS: soon as their influence has passed." Head Pains That sums up the case for a course of Dr. Cassell's Sleeplessness Tablets a tonic medicine we which gives new Depression power to the nerve cells, new minerals for the Dizziness blood and a settling influence on the stomach. Poor Appetite The result is strength of mind and body; quiet, Neuritis restful nights appetite for food. Try Dr.

Backache Cassell's now. Price and inc. purchase tax. Neuralgia D'Cassells, Build TABLETS Strong Nerves! of Mr. Clifford Moxey.

of Watts Farm. aged 72, a beloved and respected person in Burtle for many years. The funeral took place on Friday last at S.S. Phillip and James' Church Rev. A.

Buchan (vicar) conducted the service. and Mrs. I. Webb was the organist. Principal mourners were Mrs.

E. Moxey (wife), Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moxey (son and daughter-in-law), Mr. and Mrs.

Angus Williams (son-in-law and daughter), Mr. and Mrs. Alan Moxey (brother and sister-in-law). Mrs. Grant, L.

Coombes. Mrs. A. Meader, Mrs. Ralph Cox, and Mrs.

Stradling (sisters), Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moxey (nephew and wife). Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Moxey (cousin and wife). Mr. Rowland Moxey (cousin). Mr. Bob Stradling (nephew).

Miss P. Stradling (niece). Messrs. Mrs. E.

Wynne. and Mr. Albert Lee. L. W.

R. Roe (cousins). The eight bearers were Messrs Gus. Meader, George Lee. Nelson Moxey, Ivor Bell.

Frank Lee. Fred Moxey, Arthur Tratt. and Walter Clarke. Other mourners included Mr. and Mrs.

S. Reeves (Frome), Mr Granfield. Mr. Frank Lee, Mr. Len.

Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Grant.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams (Moorlynch), Mrs. George.

Mrs. Frank Lee, Mr. J. Moxey. Mr.

Ralph Cox. Mr. Lockyer (Shapwick). Mrs. Roland Evans, Mr.

Mr. W. Tratt. Mr S. Gardiner.

Miss and Mra. G. Caple. Mr. Percy Cox.

Hembury. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cox. Mrs.

Gilbert Grant. Mrs. S. Grant. Mrs H.

Heal. Mr. Carp. Mr. Metford Whitcombe.

Mrs. Moxey and family, sincerely thank all kind friends relatives for all the beautiful floral tributes and messages of sympathy in their sad bereavement. PURITON LATE MR. D. E.

POPLE The funeral took place at the Parish Church on Thursday of Mr Dennis Edward Pople. aged 22. of Bussex. Weston Zoyland whose tragic death was reported last week The Rev. C.

Graham Swann. former vicar officiated. The mourners were Mr. Pople's Uncle Clifford. Auntie Blanche and Uncle Ernest.

and others present included Mrs. Ryden (Bridgwater). Mr and Mrs Gillard (Weston Zoyland). Mr and Mrs. Morley Richards (deceaseds employers).

Mr Raymond Bryant Weston Zoyland. Mrs. Arthur Ashplant. Miss Phyllis Sturgess Lieut (Home Guard). and deceased's workmates.

Many other people assembled in church and at the graveside Corpl G. Spragg and Privs. M. Winn. L.

Winn Reed. Gardner. and Elworthy. members of the Home Guard. in which Mr Pople Was a lance-corporal.

acted as bearers, other members of the Home Guard attended. MIDDLEZOY MARRIAGE OF MISS M. WALTERS The wedding was solemnised at the Holy Cross Church. Middlezoy. on Thursday of Miss Margaret Rosamund Walters, youngest daughter Mr.

and Mrs E. Walters, Bowden-. Langport. and Sergt John Henry Dean. R.A.F..

of Cork Ireland The ceremony was performed by the Rev F. Thomas Given away by her father. the bride was in a dress of white satin. with veil and orange blossom headdress, and carried cream roses She Was attended by four bridesmaids Misses Geraldine Sharman (her niece). Ann Lockyer ther cousin who wore ankle-length dresses of pale blue crepe-de-chine.

with headdresses to match, and carried pink carnations and blue forgetme-nots: Misses Phyllis Thyer and Audrey Reed (friends) who wore ankle-length dresses of dusky pink marocain. with pink headdresses, and carried roses The bridegroom was accompanied by his friend. Sergt. R. Lawrence.

The bridegroom's gifts to the bridesmaids were silver bangles to the younger bridesmaids, and gold necklaces to the older bridesmaids. On leaving the church the bride was presented with two horse-shoes by Master Albert Sharman (her nephew) and Master Keith Mitchell (cousin). The couple were the recipients of about 60 presents A reception was held at. Shepard's Farm (where the bride has been residing). THE MAJOR GERRARD MEMORIAL £232 FROM BRIDGWATER RUGBY MATCH To the Editor Somerset County Herald.

As a result of splendid support given by the public and the excellent work carried out by the members of the Bridgwater Barbarians R.F.C. in connection with the rugby match played here on April loth last. it has been possible to hand over the magnificent sum of £232 11s to the Major R. A. Gerrard.

D.S.O Memorial Fund I am enclosing a Copy of letter from the Hon. Treasurer of the Fund. Mr. F. C.

Wills, acknowledging this amount, and a certified copy of the accounts of this match showing how this is arrived faithfully, JOHN BUTTERWORTH, (Butterworth, Bridgwater). 7. -street, Bridgwater. June 5th. IA copy of the letter from Mr.

Wills was enclosed with a detailed and audited statement of the accounts. EDITOR Somerset County FOR RED CROSS TAUNTON FARMERS' GREAT EFFORT At a meeting of the collectors of the recent Taunton N.F.U. sale for the Red Cross Agriculture Fund at the County Office. Hammet-street. 011 Thursday evening.

the Chairman Mr. Mortimer White. announced that over £3.000 had been realised for the fund "It Was a remarkably good effort." he said congratulating concerned He added that £3.095 8d had been raised to date. this being nearly double the amount of previous efforts. Mr.

P. O. Cowlishaw (branch secretary) read details of the various contributions He thought it was a nine united effort. and especially thanked the Young Farmers' Club. He said that about three parishes had not vet sent in their contributions.

whilst Stoke St. Gregory. Adsborough, Churchstanton. and Otterford had not taken part. The fund would be closed on June 30th.

It was agreed to send letters of thanks to all who had helped in the effort. BRIDGWATER GIRLS HELP CHINA LADY CROOM-JOHNSON OPENS A FETE The Mayor of Bridgwater'6 Aid to China Fund benefited substantially day, from Girls' mandant. a under Training garden Mrs. the fete Jeffries, Corps direction which in held of the on its Bridgwater grounds Satur- Comof Oaklield House. Wembdon, by permission of Mr.

and Mrs. W. Pollard. There was a good attendance. Cake.

fruit and flowers and general goods stalls were in charge of Bridgwater G.T.C.. Bridgwater and District Guides and Rangers. Sirs. John Ambulance Brigade, N.F.S.. Pilling.

and Miss Dilks. Bridgwater Rabbit Club displayed live rabbits. rabbit pelts, and made up garments, and Mr. W. Henry Palmer gave advice and answered questions.

Among other attractions were competitions, skittles and darts. Bridgwater Christy Band provided music. Lady Croom-Johnson opened the fete. and said China was fighting literally without arms or proper equipment by our standards. and she Was in dire need of medical supplies.

'The Mayor (Mr. H. Scholfield) said so far Bridgwater had done splendidly in support of the fund. There was a display of dancing by pupils and a display of physical training and dancing by Bridgwater G.T.C.. led by Mrs.

Jeffries. Housewives showed considerable interest in demonstration of fruit preserving by Mrs. Chisholm county instructress in domestic economy. A talk on rabbit keeping by Mr. Palmer and a display of pest spraying were also given.

An ankle competition caused much amusem*nt. Teas were served Among the helpers were Mrs Vaughan (secretary of the Administrative Committee of the G.T.C.), And Mrs. C. Lane, Mrs. Blay, Miss Bowen and Miss Guy, of the Administrative Committee.

Mr. G. Rees was I compere. AREA FUEL OFFICER WANTED BRIDGWATER TOWN COUNCIL'S OPINION The opinion that there did not appear to be a any urgent need in the borough for a fuel inspector. but that if the Ministry considerea such an appointment was really necessary.

the Council would fall in with the arrangements. provided the appointment was publicly advertised. was expressed by the Council in Committee. in a report to the monthly meeting of Bridgwater Town Council. and the Town Clerk.

Mr. H. A. Clidero, was requested to SO inform the Regional Enforcement Officer. The Regional Officer had informed the Town Clerk that the Ministry of Fuel and Power desired the appointment of a fuel inspector to act as enforcement officer for Bridgwater, Weeton super Mare.

Burnham-on-Sea. Axbridge rural district. and Bridgwater rural district and that the inspector should be attached to the office of the Bridgwater borough fuel overseer. It was also proposed that the appointment should be made by Bridgwater Borough Council. to whom the Ministry would refund approved expenditure.

The Ministry. with a view to attracting well qualified candidates. was prepared to recognise for purposes of reimbursem*nt. a commencing salary not exceeding £300 per annum, plus war bonus. In previous similar appointments the post has been filled from amongst candidates recommended to the Ministry by the Appointments Branch of the Ministry of Labour.

The tTown Clerk reported a meeting of the Finance Committee. held later. that he had communicated with the Ministry of Fuel and Power in accordance with the resolution of the Council in Committee. and had received a reply from the Regional Enforcement Officer. stating that it was noted that the Town Council had expressed the opinion that the appointment should be publicly advertised.

and, therefore. requesting that arrangements be made accordingly. The Town Clerk stated that he proposed to issue the advertisem*nt inviting applications. An advertisem*nt of the appointment appears in this issue. NEW RECORDER OF BRIDGWATER MR.

J. SCOTT HENDERSON Mr. John Scott Henderson. of the Inner Temple, has been appointed Recorder of Bridgwater. in place of the late Mr.

Frederick Allan Wilshire. Mr. Henderson is 3 counsel on the Western Circuit. MARRIED 60 YEARS MR. MRS.


W. H. Palmer. North Petherton. received many congratulatory messages on Monday oll the occasion of their diamond wedding.

They were married at St. Mary's Church. Bridgwater. on June 5th. 1884, by the Curate (Rev.

Mav. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer during their 45 years' residence in North Petherton. have taken a great interest in the welfare of the village.

Mr. Palmer is one of the senior Justices of the Peace for the county. and since the formation of the local Allotments Association has been its president, and has rendered valuable help 1u increasing the production of food. He is a past president of the North Petherton and District Horticultural Society. and was tor many years Vicar's warden at North Petherton Parish Church.

FOUNDED WELL-KNOWN FIRM He entered the Bridgwater office of Mr. W. Brice, solicitor, in 1876. and later commenced business on his own account as auctioneer and land agent. A tounder and senior partner in the firm of Mesers.

W. H. Palmer Sons. he continues to play an active part in the business. Mr.

Palmer. when he came to reside at North Petherton. became assistant overseer of the parish. and Oll the formation of the Parish Council Was appointed clerk. position he held tor 23 years.

He Was succeeded by his son. Mr. L. H. P.

Imer. who held the post for 23 EMITS. until he resigned two years ago. Palmer is a governor of the Bride water County School for Girls. land for a number of years has been member of the North Petherton.

Northmoor Green and North Newtoy School Managers. She has been member of the Tuberculosis Care Committee, and has given valuable help as a member of the North Petherton Nursing Association. FOUR GENERATIONS Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, who are active and in good health.

had a family of nine sons, six of whom are living. and there are 12 grandchildren and two great -grandchildren. Their many friends over a wide area hope they may be spared tor many years to enjoy the happiness they deserve by their long service to the community. A letter of congratulation Was sent by Mr. J.

Slocombe, J.P.. on behalf of the North Petherton School Managers. expressing the -hope that they would spend many more happy years together. Mr. Malcolm Barrett, the president of the Bridgwater Rotary Club.

at 4 meeting on Monday asked Past President L. H. Palmer to convey the best wishes of the Club to his parents. We wish them every happiness, and hope they will be spared for many years." he said. At St.

Mary's Church. Bridgwater. on Monday evening merry peals were rung OlL the bells in honour of the event. BRIDGWATER M.P.AND VESTED INTERESTS "DELAYING FARM POLICY" Speaking of the need for a long term plan for agriculture. Mr.

Vernon Bartlett. member for the Bridgwater Division. speaking at Minehead, said that we could not begin preparing for that unless we knew roughly how much food we expected to grow in this country, under what sort of conditions it wag going to be grown, and how we were to encourage farmers to grow it when the war is over. Yet, he complained. in not one of these matters had the Government reached decision.

He thought the delay was due to very strong vested interests. determined to defend their privileges. however much the vast masses of community might suffer in the process. Mr. Bartlett declared we could not return 10 the haphazard and unhappy competition for overseas markets we knew before the war without creating rivalries and jealousies which ultimately led to war.


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Somerset County Herald and Taunton Courier from Taunton, Somerset, England (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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